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Related Projects
Transmission Grid Strengthening Project: Preparation of Basic Design, Bidding Documents and Support in Procurement Process for Construction (Design, Supply and Installation) of 500kV Jvari-Tskaltubo Overhead Transmission Line and Associated Substations
District Heating Energy Efficiency Project: Installation of Individual Heat Substations in the City of Mykolaiv
District Heating Energy Efficiency Project: Installation of Automated Commercial Power Metering System in the City of Kharkiv
Second Power Transmission Project: Consulting services on compliance-related issues
Biomass District Heating Project: Construction of a Block-Modular Domestic Fuel Fired Boiler House on the Territory of Boiler House No.1 in 109 Sovetskaya Str. in the City of Kobryn
Geothermal Project
Post chernobyl recovery project (additional financing)
Lviv District Heating Project
Power Sector Financial Recovery Program
Biomass District Heating Project
Additional Financing Belarus Energy Efficiency Project
Energy Efficiency
Post-Chernobyl Recovery Project
District Heating Efficiency Improvement Project
Power Transmission Project
Energy 2 Project
Hydropower Rehabilitation Project
Power Transmission Project in Support of the Energy Sector Reform & Development Program
Energy Efficiency Project: Vitebsk UEB&HN in Ruba settlement, boiler house Dolomit.
Update: electricity supply reliability project: audit of electricity supply reliability project, electricity supply reliability project additional financing, electricity transmission network improvement project
Biomass district heating project: modernization of heat supply system in veremeiki settlement
District heating regulatory reform support program (dhrrsp)
District heating energy efficiency project (udheep)
District heating energy efficiency project: construction of heat and power cogeneration station using gas-fired and solid fuel-fired boilers on alternative fuel in the city of kamyanets-podilskyi
Biomass district heating project: optimization of heat supply system of cherven town incl. construction of a new heat source on the basis of gruppovaya boiler house
Utility Scale Solar Power Project: Resource Mapping and Feasibility Studies
Biomass district heating project: construction of domestic fuel-fired boiler house in tyshkevich str., bereza town
Biomass district heating project: modernization of heat supply system in ivanovo town, brest oblast through installation of biomass boilers with total capacity of 10 mw and replacement of peak gas boilers by energy efficient ones
District heating efficiency improvements project (dheip): procurement of plant design, supply, and installation of interconnection pipes and pumping station between chp-1 and chp-2 circuits
Energy efficiency project: reconstruction of boiler house no. 3 of the zhodino thermal power plant in the town of borisov with combined cycle gas turbine unit. thermal power delivery
Belarus energy efficiency project: gomel chp plant no 1. construction of a 35 mw steam and gas unit incl. installation of a 25 mw gas turbine, waste heat recovery boiler and steam turbine
Energy efficiency projects
Energy sector reform and efficiency improvements project
Assistance to the National Commission for Regulation of Communal Services: District Heating Regulatory Reform Support Program
Post-chernobyl recovery – additional financing
Post Chernobyl Recovery Project in Belarus: Gasification of Residential Houses in Brest, Gomel and Mogilev Oblasts
Energy efficiency project in belarus: conversion of heat only boilers to mini-chp in rechitsa
Renewable energy gef project
Electricity supply reliability and energy efficiency project
Social infrastructure retrofitting project
Ukraine - DPL 2
Urban Heating Project
Renewable Energy Project
Electricity Supply Reliability Project
Electricity Supply Reliability Project: Additional Financing
Electricity Transmission Network Improvement Project
Second Power Transmission Project
The District Heating Energy Efficiency Project
Ukraine Gas Supply Security Facility
Transmission Grid Strengthening Project
Batumi Buses
Energy efficiency in public buildings (Dnepropetrovsk)
Zhytomyr District Heating Project
Vinnitsa District Heating Project
Ternopil District Heating Project
Lviv Wastewater Biogas Project