This report presents industrial energy efficiency (EE) policies, rules, regulations and tools applicable mostly in the EU and the Energy Community (EnC) Contracting Parties; it also deals also with the methodology, procedures for the conduction of energy audits as well as with the responsibilities of Member States (and Energy Community Contracting Parties) towards the certification of energy auditors. The report is part of the study “Energy efficiency in industrial sectors in Georgia and Azerbaijan” implemented in the framework of the HiQSTEP Project.
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HiQStep Studies
Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change
This Executive Summary presents the main findings of the study “Energy efficiency in industrial sectors in Georgia and Azerbaijan”, implemented under the project “High quality studies to support activities under the Eastern Partnership” (HiQSTEP)”.
The overall aim of the study was to:
The present report summarises the results of five components of the Study of the Effect of the Placement of Solar PVs on Buildings in the EaP Countries” carried in the framework of the EU-funded HiQSTEP Project, which looked into the possible effect of the placement of solar panels on buildings in Eastern Partner countries on increasing their energy security and energy efficiency and developing clean energy sources.
The aim of this fifth component of the solar power in buildings study is to develop and undertake a cost-benefit analysis of different scenarios, allowing for a staged building-PVs installation programme, accounting for different levels of PV penetration and policy support in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Moldova and the Ukraine (Georgia is disscussed in a separate Component Report).
The aim of this fourth component of the solar power in buildings study, is to develop and undertake a cost-benefit analysis of different scenarios, allowing for a staged building-PVs installation programme, accounting for different levels of PV penetration and policy support in Georgia.
This Component 3 report assesses technical potential of PV in buildings for selected cities in all six Eastern Partner Countries. Whereas the selection of cities in Georgia was provided for in the study’s ToR and included Tbilisi, Batumi, Rustavi and Kutaisi, the selection of representative cities in other countries was based on a set of criteria. These included size, which in all cases was best represented by the national capital, resource and data/information availability as well as participation in the Covenant of Mayors initiative.
This report presents a review of practices in the Eastern Partner (EaP) Countries in respect of buildings’ solar PV technology and application. It briefly discusses the degree of the EaP Countries’ harmonisation with the EU policies supporting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in general and provides an overview of solar PV technology. It discusses the essential features of the legal and regulatory environment the EaP Countries have reached so far, and the current penetration levels of solar PV in buildings.
This Component Report reviews EU practices in respect of buildings’ solar PV technology and its application in the EU Member States (MS). More specifically, it briefly discusses EU policies supporting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in general and provides an overview of solar PV technology. It discusses the essential features of the legal and regulatory environment within which the EU has reached its current penetration levels of solar PV in buildings as well as the impact of this deployment to the electricity system.
The purpose of the study was to assess the readiness of digital markets in the Eastern Partnership countries for harmonisation with the EU's Digital Single Market. The Geographical scope of the study covered the six EaP countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.