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HiQStep Studies

Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change

11 December 2018

The present report summarises three Component Reports of the Study on Analysis of Licensing and Fiscal Frameworks for Concession Agreements in Energy Sector in the Eastern Partnership Countries.

03 July 2018

This report evaluates the degree of the usage of electronic documents and paperless procedures along all stages of the supply chain in international trade and logistics in the EaP Partner Countries, as part of the EU initiative on the Harmonisation of the Digital Markets (HDM) in the Eastern Partnership. It also assesses the feasibility of a Digital (multimodal) Transport Corridor between the Black Sea and the Baltic Sea, and the possibility of its extension to  other EaP Countries.

03 July 2018

This report presents the findings of the study that investigated the state of play and a cooperation potential in eHealth in the EaP Partner Countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, as part of the EU initiative on the Harmonisation of the Digital Markets (HDM) in the Eastern Partnership.

03 July 2018

This Study presents recommendations for harmonising roaming pricing and tariffs among the EaP Countries, proposes guidelines on how to implement a harmonised approach to wholesale and retail roaming prices and assesses the expected impact of the reduction of tariffs on the retail roaming market in each EaP Country. It also assesses the feasibility and market impact of the implementation of a Regional Roaming Agreement (RRA) among the EaP Countries and analyses its potential implications for reducing the roaming charges across the Partner Countries.

03 July 2018

This Study Report looks into the enabling environment for ICT innovation and start-up ecosystems in the Eatern Partnership Countries.

10 July 2018

This note is a very brief presentation of the results of a study understaken under the HiQSTPE Project. A powerpoint presentation is also published on this website.

Full texts of the three component reports of the study are being finalised and will be uploaded here as soon as possible.

The European Commission will also welcome proposals of follow-up actions based on this study by September 2018.

03 July 2018

This report reviews the energy use of the industrial sector in Azerbaijan and Georgia and elaborates recommendations and proposals for energy saving opportunities following the implementation of walk-through energy audits in typical industries. The report is part of the study “Energy efficiency in industrial sectors in Georgia and Azerbaijan” implemented in the framework of the HiQSTEP Project.

03 July 2018

This report presents a review and assessment of the  relevant Energy Efficiency frameworks in GE and AZ targeting the industry sector with focus on identifying gaps and elaborating proposals for sustainable Energy Efficiency improvement in industry. The report is part of the study “Energy efficiency in industrial sectors in Georgia and Azerbaijan”. The study has been implemented in the framework of the HiQSTEP Project.
