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HiQStep Studies

Strengthening institutions and good governance

14 April 2016

This study report focuses of the following aspects of Public Administration Reform in the EaP Countires:

18 April 2016

The present Annex covers objective 6, i.e. Part B of the Women in Power Study and Decision Making in the Eastern Partnership Countries 2015, which entails the collection, identification and recommendation of Good Examples. The goal of objective 6 is to collect good examples relative to promoting women’s participation in connection with the strategic objectives formulated in Beijing’s Platform for Action, Area G: Women in Power and Decision Making, across the European Partnership (EaP) Countries.

Mobility and people-to-people contacts

24 November 2015

This report presents the results of the Study which was carried out to help the EaP countries to better understand the situation, including challenges and problems, of the audio-visual sector in the region. It takes  stock of the state of play in all six EaP countries, provides a comprehensive overview and analysis of the situation in the region and individual countries as well as a detailed description the audiovisual industries in the EAP countries. It also formulates some recommendations.

Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change

11 December 2018

This report presents a standardised procedure for procurement and award of concession agreements for energy projects. It takes into account the analyses and shortcomings identified in Component 1 of the Study. Three types of standard concession agreements are proposed encompassing oil/gas exploration and production, transmission and/or distribution networks and power generation facilities. 

11 December 2018

The present Report identifies  PPP units established in the EaP Countries and assesses  tasks entrusted to them and their decision making and enforcement capabilities. It also assesses the organisation of PPP units and potential capacity building requirements.

11 December 2018

The present report assesses  the PPP legal framework at Eastern Partner Pountries with emphasis on energy related concessions and PPP projects.
