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Moldelectrica Transmission Rehabilitation Loan
The EBRD is considering providing a senior loan of up to US$ 21.5 million to Moldelectrica (the “Company”), to finance the rehabilitation of the company’s transmission network. The project includes the design and modernisation of a number of substations and transmission lines.
The rehabilitation will improve the energy efficiency of Moldelectrica’s network, will strengthen the stability of power supply and improve the Company’s overall operation, a necessary prerequisite for Moldova’s integration into the European transmission network ENTSO-E.
Details of financing scheme: The EBRD is considering providing a senior loan of up to US$ 21.5 million. It is envisaged that the Project will be co-financed by the EIB, which is also expected to provide up to US$ 21.5 million loan and the European Commission Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF) grant financing in the amount of US$ 9 million.