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Harmonisation of gas and oil technical standards and practices (E. Europe and Caucasus)
The project aims at supporting harmonisation of technical standards and practices of the gas and oil sector of the Partner Countries with those used in the EU countries, in order to support creation of integrated functioning energy market and gradual long-term convergence of the energy markets of the Partner Countries on the basis of the EU internal energy market principles. Technical assistance provided in the project will include technical, legal and institutional work, as well as various activities of promotion of harmonisation and raising of awareness.
The project will include the following main activities:
- establishment of project offices
- identification of contacts in Partner Countries,establishment of co-operation with all relevant stakeholders
- identification of relevant international standards establishment of working procedures technical work on standards (analysis, training, translation, preparation for adoption)
- analysis of legislative and institutional framework in Partner Countries, identification of necessary reforms and modifications
- development of harmonisation strategies and action plans in Partner Countries
- organisation of inter-regional meetings, national meetings, inter-regional training seminar, study tour