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Economics of Climate Change in Central and West Asia
This project is to identify priority investments for climate resilience and low-carbon growth. It has two components: (i) the component 'adaptation to climate change' assesses the costs and benefits of implementing adaptation measures to reduce the adverse effects of climate change on energy and water resources in the most vulnerable countries, i.e., Afghanistan, the Kyrgyz Republic, and Tajikistan; and (ii) the component 'mitigation of climate change' assesses the costs and benefits of GHG emission reduction measures and formulate low-carbon growth investment proposals for energy and transport in the most carbon-intensive countries in the region, i.e., Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan. The impact is climate change actions implemented in the target countries. The outcome will be a better understanding of the cost of climate change in the target countries. Each country team will tailor the methodology to the local context, while maintaining a basic standardized approach to be used across the target countries. Activities will build on national communications; the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change; and work carried out by governments, international organizations, academics, and nongovernment community-based organizations.