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Connectivity, energy efficiency, environment and climate change

EaP Solar Panels Study - Component 2 Report: Review of EaP Countries’ Experience with Building PVs

This report presents a review of practices in the Eastern Partner (EaP) Countries in respect of buildings’ solar PV technology and application. It briefly discusses the degree of the EaP Countries’ harmonisation with the EU policies supporting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in general and provides an overview of solar PV technology. It discusses the essential features of the legal and regulatory environment the EaP Countries have reached so far, and  the current penetration levels of solar PV in buildings.

EaP Solar Panels Study - Component 1 Report: Review of the EU Experience with Building-PVs

This Component Report  reviews  EU practices in respect of buildings’ solar PV technology and its application in the EU Member States (MS). More specifically, it briefly discusses EU policies supporting Renewable Energy Sources (RES) in general and provides an overview of solar PV technology. It discusses the essential features of the legal and regulatory environment within which the EU has reached its current penetration levels of solar PV in buildings as well as the impact of this deployment to the electricity system.


Настоящее исследование ГЦР дает оценку современного состояния цифровых рынков в шести странах-партнерах в сравнении с передовым опытом стран ЕС. Оценка дается в отношении шести приоритетных сфер, а именно: сетевая и информационная безопасность и кибербезопасность; услуги в области электронной идентификации и доверия к электронным операциям ; электронная таможня, электронная коммерция для малого и среднего бизнеса (МСП); цифровые навыки; правила предоставления и получения телекоммуникационных услуг (также далее — телекоммуникационные правила).
