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Identification and Promotion of Energy Efficiency (EE) Investments

The objective of this project was to provide a financial contribution to the EBRD's grant facility to help support sustainable energy investments in Ukraine and Moldova. The projects funded under this facility aimed at reducing energy dependency and improving security of energy supply in the countries concerned by promoting energy efficiency particularly amongst small and medium-sized enterprises. The project opened the way to sound Energy Efficiency investment projects through the establishment of credit lines within appropriate local banks and the provision of technical, financial, legal and environmental expertise to potential beneficiaries (SMEs in Moldova and Ukraine, and industries and agribusiness in Moldova where appropriate). Finally, it encouraged spill over effects in the banking, industry and household sectors.


Type of cooperation:

Beneficiary country:

Start date: 
End date: 
Amount of support (M€): 
Loan or Grant: 
Further funds (M€): 

Sponsoring Agency or Donor: