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High Quality Short-term Studies to support activities under the Eastern Partnership (HiQSTEP)

Overall Project Objective:

  • Advance the development and the objectives of the Eastern Partnership countries in various areas in view of a closer cooperation of these countries with the EU and among the countries themselves.

Project Purpose:

  • Produce high quality studies on specific subjects as defined by the Eastern Partnership Platforms and Panels, to support the activities of the said Platforms / Panels in specific areas. The project supports activities under the multilateral framework of the Eastern Partnership, which are channeled through four Platforms. Platform 3 especially focuses on Developing electricity, gas and oil interconnections to help integrate European energy markets. The advantages are:- more diverse energy supply sources & transit routes, with increased resilience at both national and regional level; - greater competitiveness - a more secure energy supply overall , - better integration of variable renewable energy sources into the energy system.Energy efficiency and renewable energy sources improve energy security by reducing dependence on imported fossil fuels and moving towards a low-carbon economy. However, integrating variable sources of renewable energy means adapting generation, transmission and distribution systems.Establishing and strengthening a regulatory framework for nuclear safety is important to the EU and its partners. Activities offer partner countries the opportunity to participate in nuclear safety stress tests, while being updated by EU experts on developments and legal initiatives relating to nuclear safety and radioactive waste management.


Type of cooperation:

Start date: 
End date: 
Amount of support (M€): 
Loan or Grant: 
Further funds (M€): 

Sponsoring Agency or Donor: