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Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Armenia’s Third National Communication to the UNFCCC

This nationally executed project will enable Armenia to present the updated information on Convention implementation in a consistent, transparent and comparable manner. The main components of the project are:

  1. Preparation of the Third National Communication of Armenia and its submission to the Conference of Parties.
  2. Facilitation to mainstreaming of climate change issues into national development policies and strategies;
  3. Identification and formulation of project proposals related to adaptation to the impacts of climate change and abatement of greenhouse gases emissions;
  4. Strengthening national capacities to participate in different mechanisms aimed at fulfillment of commitments under the UNFCCC;
  5. Enhancing general awareness and knowledge on climate change related issues in Armenia


Type of cooperation:

Beneficiary country:

Start date: 
End date: 
Amount of support (M€): 
Loan or Grant: 
Further funds (M€): 

Sponsoring Agency or Donor: