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Clima East Policy Project – Support to Climate Change Mitigation and adaptation in the Eastern Neighbourhood countries and Russia

The Clima East Policy Project (‘Policy Project’ or ‘Project’), funded by the European Union (EU), is intended to provide support to the ENP East countries (i.e. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine) and the Russian Federation (the Partner Countries/PCs) so that they are more equipped for greenhouse-gas emission reductions and better prepared to deal with climate change impacts. It also aims to facilitate dialogue in this area among the EU and the seven PCs. Commencing January 2013, this Policy Project (budget EUR 8.2 million) constitutes one part of a larger 'Clima East’ package which will also include a Pilots Project (budget EUR 11 million, implemented by UNDP) supporting the development of ecosystems-based approaches to climate change, implemented by UNDP. The Policy Project and the Pilots Project will be implemented in close coordination with each other, ensuring that synergies between policy development and planning activity and the experience gained through the Pilots Project are recognized and utilized.


Type of cooperation:

Start date: 
End date: 
Amount of support (M€): 
Loan or Grant: 
Further funds (M€): 

Sponsoring Agency or Donor: